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Friend, M. (2008). Co-teaching: A simple solution that isn’t simple after all. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2 (2), 9-19.
Roth, W. M., Masciotra, D., & Boyd, N. (1999). Becoming-in-the-classroom: A case study of teacher development through coteaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 15(7), 771-784.
Roth, W.M., Tobin, K. (Eds.) (2005). Teaching Together, Learning Together. New York: Peter Lang.
Villa, Thousand, & Nevin (2013). A guide to co-teaching: New lessons and strategies to facilitate student learning (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
The School of Education at CSU, Chico would like to acknowledge the following contributors to the development of our co-teaching model:
Co-Teaching Train the Trainer Workshop through the Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration and TWH Consulting. St. Cloud State University, Nov 12-13, 2015.
California State University, Monterey Bay EdVention Co-Teaching Symposia, April 25, 2014.
The Bakersfield, Cal Poly, Fresno, and San Francisco campuses of the California State University system for sharing their resources.